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Hillgrove Hawks Junior Cheer

Cheerleader Responsibilities

HHJC 2022-2023 DEMERIT SYSTEM: Demerits will be used as a disciplinary tool and will be given by coaches/Team Representatives. Demerits and consequences are outlined below. 

HHJC 2022-2023 Demerit System Policy: In order to maintain consistency throughout the program and discourage repetitive behaviors that reflect negatively on the cheerleading program, the following demerit policy will be enforced during the entire cheerleading season (Football, Competition and Basketball).

• The accumulation of twelve demerits may result in the cheerleader’s permanent removal from the program for the season.
• A demerit notification will be sent home with the cheerleader if a demerit has been given.
• The parent/legal guardian should review the demerit form with their cheerleader and sign the demerit notification form.
• The cheerleader must return signed demerit notification form to the coach prior to participating in the next cheerleading event.
• Failure to return signed demerit notification form may result in additional demerits being assigned at the coach’s discretion.
• If parents have questions or concerns regarding the demerit, please email the coach and copy the squad representative.

Demerit(s) point scale:

1⁄2 demerits: One half demerits will be given for the following (and any other similar issues):
• Tardy to a practice (5-15 minutes)
• Leaving early from practice (except for excused activities)
• Use of a cell phone during practice or at a game without permission
• Not in correct practice wear for practice
• Not present when the first cheer is called after halftime
• Food or drinks on the football track or basketball court (water is the only drink allowed)
• Failure to turn in signed demerit notice(s)

1 demerit:
One demerit will be given for the following (and any other similar issues):
• Breaking rules established at our practice facilities (Lovinggood Middle School, Hillgrove High School or Stingrays).
• Tardy to a game (5-15 minutes)
• Leaving early from a game (except for excused activities)
• 1st offense out of uniform for game (This includes hair up in high ponytail with bow or any missing uniform parts when you arrive to the game.
Cheerleaders will have to sit out until the missing uniform part is brought to the track however, cheerleader will still receive the demerit for not having the uniform part when arriving. The Squad Representative will keep extra hair bows but use of the Squad Representative Bow will still result in a demerit.)
• Not bringing required materials for practice, game, or competition
• Not returning required paperwork by dates requested
• Excessive talking during practice or game
• Leaving materials or trash at practices, games, or competitions

2 demerits: Two demerits will be given for the following (and any other similar issues):
• Failure to attend practice or mandatory event other than a game without prior notification and excuse from coach
• 2nd and subsequent out of uniform for game (Same as above)
• Poor sportsmanship

3 demerits: Three demerits will be given for the following (and any other similar issues):
• Failure to attend game or competition without prior notification and excuse from coach
• Failure to follow CCSD Student Code of Conduct
• Bad attitudes and/or disrespect towards coaches, peers, and/or teachers

6 demerits:
Six demerits will be given for the following (and any other similar issues):
• Any inappropriate behavior which reflects on the reputation of the squad or school (including, but not limited to: smoking, drinking, use of drugs or alcohol unsportsmanlike conduct or failure to abide by school rules)

Multiple demerits (The number of demerits will be determined by the coach/Executive Board on an individual basis; based on the severity of the offense
and previous offenses. All demerit assignments are the decision of the coach/Executive Board and are non-negotiable.)
• Insubordination to a coach
• Inappropriate language, gesture or behavior
• Unsportsmanlike conduct and/or conduct that reflects negatively on the cheerleading program
• Disciplinary action at school (ISS, OSS, detention)

Demerit Consequences:

• Four demerits: Benched for 1⁄2 of a game.
• Six demerits: Benched for an entire game. Executive Board notified concerning accumulation of demerits.
• Twelve demerits: Benched for entire game. Possible removal from the HHJC. Executive Board notified and parent meeting will be conducted concerning accumulation of demerits. Removal from the program for 6th and 7th graders will result in not being able to try out for the following HHJC season. Removal from the program for 8th graders will result in notification of removal to HHS Cheerleading Coaches.
*Benched: Benched means not being allowed to perform. The cheerleader must still dress out and show up, and sit with the coach.

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Hillgrove Hawks Junior Cheer Booster Club (HHJCBC)

Powder Springs, Georgia 30127

Email Us: [email protected]
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