Cheerleader Responsibilities:
Cheering for the HHJC Program is a privilege. Cheerleaders should appreciate their position and be the very best representative that they can be.
A. Conduct and Grade Requirements:
Conduct: All cheerleaders are expected to maintain a high standard of behavior. Any conduct grade lower than an “S” will be addressed and handled by the coach.
Grades: Cheerleaders must be passing all classes.
B. Behavior and Discipline: Cheerleaders are expected to maintain behavior above reproach. They are expected to be the best they can be in the classroom as well as on the sidelines. Failure to abide by handbook rules may result in dismissal from the HHJC program. Cheerleaders should keep in mind the following rules for behavior:
1. Cheerleaders must be attentive to the game. Refrain from behavior, which is deemed by the coach or Executive Board as reflecting poorly on the intended image of the school or squad.
2. Negative/bad attitudes and/or behavior to the coaches and/or squad WILL NOT be tolerated.
3. Games are held on Cobb County School System premises and occasionally the property of other school systems, guidelines set forth by those systems must be honored (No drugs, weapons, pagers, cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, etc. are to be brought onto school property).
4. Any member failing to abide by published school rules relating to conduct (cheating, vandalism, fighting, undesirable or immoral behavior and/or gestures, improper display of affection) use of illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, or other illegal activities will be subject to review by the coach and Executive Board. This includes being present, regardless of whether or not the students used or possessed any of the items listed, in any location where the above occurs.
5. If a cheerleader receives in school or out of school suspension, the cheerleader/parent must inform the coach of the suspension immediately. Cheerleaders who receive in school suspension (ISS) or out of school suspension (OSS) will not be allowed to participate in any cheerleading activity during the assigned suspension period. (This will be considered unexcused absences.) Suspension from games and/or performances is at the discretion of the coach. They must still attend all events, but may be benched.
C. Attendance : Cheerleaders MUST be present and on time to all practices, games, playoff games & events, performances, fundraisers, pep rallies, team building activities, camps, competitions and any other activities designated by the coach or Board of Directors.
The following attendance rules are necessary and must be enforced:
1. Cheerleaders are required to be at every practice, unless approved by the coach. If a cheerleader is ill, first notify your Coach. A written note is required the next time the squad is together (practice or game). An email to the Coach will meet the requirement of written notification of illness. Word of mouth is not acceptable.
2. If a cheerleader is going to be late to a practice or game, notify the Coach ahead of time (each parent should have their
Coach and Squad Representatives cell phone number) as to the reason for being late. In these situations, the demerit
will be to the discretion of the coach.
3. Requested absences must be submitted in writing to the Coach and each will be addressed on an individual basis to determine if the absence is excused or unexcused. Practice time cannot be made up and missing practice is serious. We expect reasons for missing practice to be religious holidays, illness, or extreme family-related emergencies (not last-minute family plans, reunions or gatherings, friends bar/bat mitzvah, retreats, etc.). If it becomes necessary to suspend or remove a cheerleader, the parent or legal guardian will be notified. The coaches reserve the right to determine each case on an individual basis.
4. All appointments such as doctor, orthodontist, etc. MUST be scheduled around all cheerleading activities. Early release from or late arrival to practices and/or performances is unacceptable with exception to required school functions such as orchestra, band or chorus concerts.
5. A cheerleader must attend school for three periods to practice and/or cheer on game days (if the game is on a school day).
6. In the event, that a cheerleader is absent from practice, it is his/her duty to learn what was discussed and decided and to fulfill the duties that may be assigned.
7. Absence from school means you cannot participate in practice for that day.
8. For safety reasons, a missed practice (even excused) could result in exclusion from participation in certain game routines, etc.
9. Academics are a priority; cheerleaders must inform their coach ahead of time if they need to meet with a teacher, and provide a note from the teacher.
10. On time for Football games is when the cheerleader arrives one hour before game time.
11. On time for Basketball games is when the cheerleader arrives thirty minutes before game time.
12. On time practice is when the cheerleader arrives fifteen minutes before practice time.
13. (3) Unexcused absences or (6) total absences from games and/or practices during football/basketball season (excused or unexcused) can result in the removal from the squad.
D. Uniforms & Equipment; Cheer Clothing & Apparel: Uniforms are selected by the Hillgrove Junior Cheerleading Board with the assistance of Hillgrove High School Coaches. Each cheerleader is required to purchase a full uniform (shell and skirt), warm up suit, bloomers, sports bra, pom poms, shoes and hair bow as well as practice apparel. Uniforms are purchased individually and are the property of the cheerleader. Each cheerleader and her parents/legal guardian are financially responsible for all items needed. Uniforms will be worn during all games, performances and competitions as well as other times deemed appropriate by the
coach. A coach must not permit a squad member to participate if the participant does not conform to the ‘Complete Uniform’ and demerits may be given. Cheerleaders are encouraged to wear spirit wear to school on the Friday before game days.
1. Uniform for practices includes the scheduled practice shirt and shorts, cheer shoes, and hair bow.
2. Uniform for games includes cheer top, cheer skirt, bloomers, sports bra, hair bow, selected cheer shoes with white no show socks. Warm up pants and jacket, (if weather permits). The pom poms and water bottle must be packed in the HHJC bag and brought to all games.
3. If a cheerleader loses his/her uniforms or equipment, he/she will be required to pay for a replacement.
4. Competition uniforms must be returned cleaned, in their original condition. Competition cheerleaders and their parents are expected to pay for cleaning expenses and/or replacement costs for uniforms that are returned soiled and/or damaged. Any competition uniform not returned by the due date will be considered lost and the
parents will be charged for a replacement.
5. Cheerleaders will wear appropriate practice wear, as designated by the coach, on practice days.
6. Cheerleaders should wear appropriate spirit wear to school on game days and spirit days
7. Cheer apparel is just that and for cheerleaders only. Do NOT allow friends to wear your HHJC cheer apparel.
E. Appearance: All cheerleaders are expected to always keep a neat personal appearance.
1. Nails should be short and clean. Unruly long fingernails, including artificial nails, can become a safety hazard. Therefore, fingernails must be kept at a length appropriate to minimize risk for the participants. Sideline cheerleaders are only allowed to wear neutral colors (clear, nude and French) while in uniform during games,
performances or competition events.
2. Hairstyles are to be neat and clean looking. Hair that touches the shoulder must be worn in a high ponytail with the appropriate cheer bow. Shorter hair can be worn half up with the cheer bow. The coaches will let the cheerleaders know if their hair is the appropriate length to be worn down. This is a safety precaution for the
cheerleader’s as they stunt. Coaches may ask cheerleaders to fix their hair if they arrive to a practice or game and it is not up. The required squad hair bow is the only hair accessory allowed for games.
3. No visible body piercing or tattoos are permitted for cheerleaders.
4. Jewelry may not be worn during practices, games and competitions (this includes necklaces, rings, bracelets, watches or earrings and all piercings. It is acceptable to use a plastic plug to prevent holes from closing. New piercings are vulnerable at practices and games when stunting. Since jewelry is not allowed piercings should be
done in the off-season.
5. Glitter on one’s hair, face, uniform, costume or body is not allowed for sidelines and is illegal for competitions.
F. Athletic Events: Practices, Games and Competitions:
1. Cheerleaders must be dressed appropriately. When representing HHJC officially, cheerleaders are to be in full prescribed practice wear or uniforms and be ready to cheer at practice and games during the time indicated by the coach.
2. Cheerleaders with the improper uniform will sit out of the game until the appropriate or missing part of the
uniform is worn. This also includes bows, poms, shoes, white no show socks, bloomers, liner (if specified), proper
undergarments as specified by the coach.
3. No one other than cheerleaders will be allowed to wear cheerleading clothing.
4. Cheerleaders should arrive at the event at the time designated by the coach.
5. Friends and/or boyfriends are not allowed at practice.
6. Cheerleaders should refrain from talking to spectators during the game (do not walk up to the fence to visit with friends and do not yell out to spectators in the stands).
7. Personal belongings will not be allowed on the track (i.e. cell phones). All cheerleaders will need to store personal belongings in their cheer bags until the practice, game or competition has officially ended.
8. Food or drinks (other than water) are not allowed in the gym during practice or on the track at football games.
9. Cheerleaders are not allowed to have food, candy and/or gum in their mouths during practices, performances (sidelines or half-time) and competitions. Chewing gum is not allowed while in uniform.
10. No one is allowed inside the fence or court side except cheerleaders, coaches & squad representatives during games.
11. Cheerleaders are expected to remain in their assigned spot during games/performances.
12. The designated captains will be responsible for calling all cheers. Failure of any cheerleader to follow the
requests of the captains will be handled by the coach.
13. All cheerleaders must report to the coach prior to leaving any event to receive messages or other information.
G. Safety and Injuries: Cheerleading requires strenuous physical activity on the part of each cheerleader and requires its athletes to be in top physical condition to avoid injury. Safety is a top priority. Coaches, Cheerleaders and Parents must work together to ensure that the Cheerleader is physically able to participate in cheerleading activities.
The HHJC program will follow the Cobb County School system guidelines for athletic participation and safety. Cheerleaders must have current completed forms (listed below) on file with the HHJC Executive Board prior to participating in the program. Most forms can be found here or
➢ Athletic Participation, Waiver, Insurance and Consent Form
➢ Cobb County School District Athletic -Department physical form
➢ Student/Parent Concussion Awareness Form
1. It is the cheerleader’s responsibility (if able) to immediately notify the coach in the case of an injury.
2. If a cheerleader is injured, the coaches will partner with the cheerleader and parents/legal guardians to determine participation at the game and/or competition. Loss of basic skills required for the cheerleading position they hold may result in a cheerleader being sidelined from game(s) and/or competition until skills are regained.
3. If a cheerleader is missing due to injury, it is up to the Coaches and Executive Boards discretion to determine whether to proceed with one less member and/or cancel the squad’s attendance. The competition squad may bring in another cheerleader from a 6th, 7th or 8th HHJC sideline squad with Executive Board approval to replace the injured competition cheerleader until their skills are regained.
4. If an injury occurs that keeps the cheerleader out of two or more practices, a note from the cheerleader’s parent or doctor stating the reason will be required. If the injury restricts the cheerleader from three or more practices, a doctor’s note will be required. This note should state the nature of the injury, the length of time of the restriction, the specific task the cheerleader cannot perform, and any special instructions. Lack of participation will be categorized as an unexcused absence if there is no note.
5. When returning from a serious injury that has limited participation, a doctor’s note of approval to participate again will be required.
6. Cheerleaders will be expected to be at and dress out for practices, games, and/or competitions unless Coaches have approved the injured cheerleader’s absence in advance.